Home / University Staff / Lecturer of Arabic Language: Iman Metwally

Lecturer of Arabic Language: Iman Metwally

Iman Metwally




Lecturer of Arabic Language


Iman Metwally is currently a Ph.D. Candidate at AOU in Education

She was awarded her Master Degree in Education at American Open University in 2017 at the top of her class

She served as an Honorary Member of the National Nominating Committee at the Junior National Young Leaders Conference from 2015 – 2017

She served as an Honorary Member of the National Nominating Committee for the National Youth Leadership Forum: Medicine from 2014 – 2017

She successfully completed STARTALK NYU Arabic Teacher Training Course from New York University in 2009

She was awarded her Bachelor of Science in Physical Education Degree from the University of Alexandria in 1990

Iman Metwally encompasses extensive knowledge in both the Arabic Language and the teaching of Arabic to non-native speakers. She skillfully has developed her own techniques in order to successfully teach the complexity of the Arabic language and transform its’ application into to an easily comprehensively program. Her techniques encourage & inspire non-native speakers to easily overcome the challenges of learning a foreign language.

MS Metwally has been honored with many achievement awards & certificates in recognition of her many contributions & highlighting her accomplishments in her field.